An issue I’ve had a few times in the past with regards BPA (formerly “Taskcentre) is the following error message in a specific scenario. The error is caused when a webservice is called multiple times. Usually the first 2 calls are called correctly, however when called a 3rd time, the error message is thrown.
Oddly, when debugging the issue, if you set BPA to use Fiddler to debug the issue, then the error does not happen.
The error message thrown is:
The operation has timed out .

As it doesnt fail on the first 2 calls, this will lead to errors such as:
Step failed, 3 web service calls complete, 1 call(s) failed

In addition the “Connection timeout time” setting on the web service connector is ignored:

To fix the issue, it is a very simple fix. Simply edit the “iwtskrun.exe.config” file, adding the following just before the closing </configuration> tag.
<add address="*" maxconnection="100" />